"....When you think of what he has done for You is this to much to ask." Romans 12:1


Crazy Dream #8

This was a short one, so here is what i dreamt: For those who didn't know, but on my staff i have a intern from Germany who is a incredible Musician and Vocalist. Not only that but he is only 20. Anyways, my dream was the The Chief was so amazed that he was so talented and so young that he kept coming up to everyone in the office for like 20 minutes straight in the dream saying to everyone "I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16,I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16,I can't believe he is only 16, I can't believe he is only 16". Amazaaaazzziingg.

By the way this was a 3:41 am post - because the baby was up for a half hour.

Wide Awake Philipino


Christine.Marie said...

Thats pretty great.

Correction-this would be Crazy Dream #9.

rachel said...

god bless you for being the amazing father that you are! :D sounds like a bucket of fun!